All the articles with the tag "archive".
Web dev 101
March 11, 2023Web dev 101
Getting started for web dev workshop
March 6, 2023Getting ready for the web dev workshop
February 23, 2023What, Why and How
New Media Art
December 19, 2022After thought on New Media Art
December 7, 2022Final Project - College
Long Live the Web
November 13, 2022My thought on the future of the Web
The Game of Life
November 10, 2022Midterm Project - Game of Life
October 31, 2022Confettis
Object Dancer
October 23, 2022Leo's Object Dancer
Imaginary Creature
October 16, 2022There is a Rainbow Caterpillar
October 8, 2022Randomly generated pattern.
Generative Motion
October 4, 2022ATOMS!
Interactive Drawing
September 25, 2022A Draw Pad.
Rainbow Hearts
September 19, 2022Rainbowy colored hearts.
On Conditional Design
September 18, 2022Tlaks about what is conditinal design and attempt to create a plan to make one.
About Me
August 6, 2021About the creator of this Website.