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Long Live the Web

Posted on:November 13, 2022

Tim Berners-Lee is one of the most important figures in computer science field, and is also one of the people I admire the most. ( I will put him right below Alan Turing and above Linus Torvalds ).

The thriving web… for developers

The web is absolutely thriving right now, people always joke about how many new javascript libraries are created each day. React, Vue, Svelte, using these tools you can create a beautiful, responsive website easily and let your imagination run wild. The different kinds of cutting-edge database service let you fetch and store data with ease.


The experience for users hasn’t been so great. People always find themselves trapped in one social platform who has all of their personal information, and uses this personal information to feed the user more content. Hooking the user to the singular platform or even try to use their control to manipulate the opinion, like talked about by Shoshana Zuboff in The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.

Although the fact that a lot of corporations and individuals are exploiting the Web for profit, the Web still is the freest place for people to share information, to engage in discussion, to try making a difference in the world.

Web in the future

I think nobody knows exactly how the future of web will be like. The “Next big thing” on the web could be “Metaverse” or Blockchain stuff. But I think one thing is clear, the web is going to rely less on big platforms, people are already aware of the problem big platforms have and are pushing against it. If the future of the web is augmented reality, it will not be some bullshit Muck Zuckerberg is pushing.