
December 7, 2022

Check out my work here

College is a choice-based game aimed to recreate the feeling of facing a lot of choices in the life of a student.

As a college student, we are constantly bombarded with choices. Do you go to class or stay in bed? Do you buy a burger for lunch or a salad instead? Do you go out with your friends or stay at home and do your homework? These questions are quite common, at least for me. This game aims to simulate that feeling - in a more interesting way.

Inspired by SPENT, definately check that out!

Technical difficulties - And how I solved them

One difficult part of developing this game is on how to control the canvas. The solution - Finite State Machine.

I also find writing CSS and JavaScript DOM very painful - So I used Tailwind CSS and petite-vue to help me eliminate those codes.

What to improve?

There need to be more questions, so player can have more variety of questions.

There need to be more randomness in the game so player can’t win so easily.


Making College has encouraged me to learn a lot of things, I really enjoyed the process of making it, and I am really pleased with the result.